Saturday, November 14, 2009

Four photos of the day : bullet holes on the walls

Model: Miss S., Film: Kodak B/W 400
Style: Erotic / Nude Portrait
bring out the flowers
let the old women
follow the candles
sensing the cold of streets
with their knees
let them pray
let them wish
let them cry out of fears
the road to heaven or hell
is different to each
live to your own
...... let them live
darkness falls
blanket covers their faces
bullet holes
read like Braille on the walls
writing a poetry of sadness and torture
trying to keep the history alive
and these hurt bodies
have been thrown away
just like the old broken used up dolls

Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Phoenix, NYC
волк189 фотография
портрет, чувственный, изобразительное искусство

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