Saturday, August 22, 2009

Three photos of the day : strange creature behind pink doors

Model: Miss B., Film: Kodak Ektar 100
Style: Editorial Fashion Portrait + Documentary/Street Photography

strange creature
are you hidden in there?
behind those pink doors?
do you exist?
do we need a team of researchers
to qualify and rescue you?
let me offer you a house
come and live among us
as we might
bring out the best in each other
do you like TV? do you like drugs?
do you like fame or money? do you like power?
strange creature, don't be scared...
we'll accommodate you
as long as you give us, you
strange creature
if not fully, but please allow us to believe in you and your existence
and allow us to call you with your real name, happiness

LA, Las Vegas, Phoenix, NYC
волк189 фотография
портрет, чувственный, изобразительное искусство


Varvara said...

it might be afraid of light, like zombies..

Wolf189 Photography said...

like vampires? ; )

Varvara said...

Yep, like vampires.. Like everyone in the world of dead.